
Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a happy new year!

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Winter days

Christmas is near and we try to prepare for it.
It's not important the glow, but the spirit!
So, let us pave the way for this:

crocheting little things

stitching, embroidering or quilting some others

showing around the for-legs-guys enjoying the winter days

and  dreaming of a good wood-fire and a large cup of steamy cofee (or tee, or  red wine....)

and having an old winter song

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

It's snowing!

I'm back!

I was working on a present for someone who was .... years old. A very special Lady. It was impossible for me to concentrate my self on something else! I wanted very, very much to make a special thing. Something from the bottom of my hart. I'm not sure that it turned out well. It's a bead embroidery which now is at the shop for framing. Maybe I will show you, finished.
For the moment, just steal a look at a piece of it:

The only break on my work was a few hours spent on a traditional fair organized on the St. Nicholas day (6th of December) at the Peasant Museum. There were a lot of artists exposing and selling the most different and wonderful objects. I couldn't help buying some carefully made little things.
Look at them:

    Do you like them?

In the next posts I will show you more. I have prepared a few photos for the posts from around the Christmas.

Now, when I'm writing this lines, it is snowing like in fairy tales! It's the first really snow of this winter. It started this morning and now we have already a really woolly snow carpet.It starts to look like Christmas....
I'm really, really glad....I am thrilled with joy!
It's the only period of winter when I want to snow. I don't like the winter because of the cold, but  at Christmas and New Year I like to have a whole lot of snow.

So, even my car is happy under his fluffy coat

Just after I took this picture, when I turned my back, returning inside, I looked around and I saw a young man expressing his after-glow.
Look the sequel:

What do you think?
Do you like or dislike the winter?


It was good to be back with you in my little bloghouse!
I hope for you, too!
I'm going back to work, now. Lots of projects in my mind....

Have a beautiful day!


Thursday, 3 December 2009

December Quilt Giveaway

Oh! Unfortunately not on my blog little house! Yet!...
This is one of my favorite places in blogland.
Hurry up! Only 3 more days left! The line is veeeeery long already!

Good luck!

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Passion for Cushions /Pasiune pentru pernute

Zilele astea trebuie sa incep un nou proiect, asa ca nu ma gandesc decat la el. Pana se va concretiza, ca sa va dau motive sa ma mai vizitati, va invit la o mica expozitie a pernutelor mele din gama culorilor de pamant:

These days I have to begin a new project and I ponder only on it.Until it will come true, I taught to give you more reasons to visit my little bloghouse: 

My earth-colors cushions little exhibition


The country cottage 

Night and day

Sunt printre primele mele pernute.Abia imi luasem masinuta de brodat si inca nu invatasem softul de broderie PE-DESIGN, asa ca am folosit o broderie existenta in biblioteca masinii.Acum am si uitat de ea (de biblioteca, nu de masina...) Chiar daca folosesc un model conceput de altcineva, niciodata nu il reproduc fidel. Il modific in asa fel incat sa se potriveasca ideii generale a proiectului respectiv.De-asta am si uitat ca softul a costat cat masina de brodat...Libertatea pe care mi-o da in conceperea propriilor modele compenseaza!Va voi arata, in curand.
Imi place sa imbin patchworkul cu broderia,  apliquee-ul, si altele, asa ca singura limita este dimensiunea gherghefului  masinii de brodat (10cm/10cm)...Cu ceva timp in plus, trec insa si peste asta!

Atat deocamdata!
Pe curand!

Sa aveti o zi frumoasa!

These are among my first cushions. At that instant I bought my embroidery machine and I didn't knew to work with the embroidery software PE-DESIGN.That's why I used a pattern from the embroidery machine library. Now I forgot that it exists (the machine library not the embroidery machine itself...). Even when I use somebody's design I don't digitize it precise.I make the changes that will fit the embroidery with the general concept of the project. That's why I almost forgot that the software came to a great deal of money (as much as the embroidery machine)...I have the full scope to make my own  digitized embroideries and this make up for it!I'll show you soon.
I like to mix the patchwork with embroidery, applique and others. My only limit is the embroidery machine hoop (4"/4"), but spending some extra time, I overcome. 

That's all for now! 

Until next time,
Have a beautiful day!