Saturday 30 November 2013

Against the tide / Impotriva curentului

Sometimes it's funny to be against the tide.

It's end of November and people at least begin to think about Christmas.
The active ones have started already to make all kind of red-white-green-golden little things for the Christmas tree.
Still I didn't pull out of my closet the winter printed fabrics.

Look what fabrics I used for these pillow covers:
Wheel Dot and Bicycles from Michel Miller, Fun and Sport from Timeless Treasures.

Funny, isn't it? Not a single snowflake here!
Actually these sports are the hobbies of all three members of a family. It doesn't mater what season it is to practice them, as long the weather is friendly.

 This was the first group of three pillow covers for them. I have to make another two groups with another themes. 

Have a beautiful weekend with your hobbies or without them!

 I am linking to Finished up Friday

Tuesday 26 November 2013

A peek on my work table

I'm sewing something  for a family who loves cycling and running.

Only these photos for the time being...

Have a beautiful day!

Thursday 21 November 2013

We don't hibernate! / Noi nu hibernam!


We are two fluffy and soft pillow-toys for two sweet twins.

Our cheerful outfits are made of  "Welcome to Bear Country!" fabric by The Berenstains for Moda.

And in this colorful hand-painted bag we will travel to our new home.


Bye - bye!

Have a beautiful winter!

I am linking to Finish it up Friday!