Sunday 28 February 2010

Welcome Spring!

...And it came March 1st!
Slowly, slowly, the Spring makes its appearance.
Outdoors in the backyards or in the gardens, the snowdrops raised their little white heads.
Indoors, from their protective pots, the hyacinths and tulips cheers us with their fresh colors and their delicate fragrance.

Even if the weather was miffed I was to the Peasant Museum to see and buy mărtzishoare.

There were people from many regions of the country to expose and sell their little spring symbols. I chosen a few wooden and ceramics ones.

I liked these symbols:

Do you recognize their signification?

There are for you, all of my guests!

Have a beautiful, cheerful, inspiring spring!

Wednesday 24 February 2010

A little post

I managed to finish the gift for the Spring Game.




I made it especially for the person whose address I received from Csilla.I don't know her.
I hope that she will like it.
Tomorrow I will send it trough the post.
To whom?.....
I'm not allowed to say it now!

Have a beautiful day!

Friday 12 February 2010

Romanian heritage in a hurry

Don't worry about my today title!
It is not follow up by an ethnological lesson.I don't want to bore you.
I will only show you what I have made lately.
One of my passions is Romanian traditional art. I'm really in love with textile objects, especially.But my eyes prospect instinctively for popular patterns everywhere. 
At odd moments, I have been started to digitize a few old traditional cross stitching embroidery patterns.
 I did well only a few. I'm working on between other projects....
Yesterday I received at the last moment, a birthday celebration invitation for tonight.I was surprised by it so, the big problem was the gift!
Because the time was so short I look in my "Emergency Embroiderable T-shirt  Fund" and I was lucky to find one with the fitted size.
I decided to do some appliquees and I used 4 denim patches.
I embroidered on each of them a square from my little cross stitching-library.

I used my new pinking rotary cutter to crop the 4 squares.


and then I sewed all 4 in place.
Like this:

The uneven distance between them is deliberated

The folk T-shirt is done!


Now I can prepare myself  for a good look....

Have a beautiful day, to you all!

Sunday 7 February 2010

A special giveaway ....... Spring Game(Joc de primavara)........

Outside is snowing for about 30 hours.
Inside,in Blogland, people are very active. 
The subject of this post is short and sweet: 
In a full of snow February 
Geta has a special giveaway. Just take a look!


Csilla is organizing a Spring Game.

I will participate.
For the first time!
What pretty thing I will make?
I'm thinking...................

Have a beautiful (snowy) day!

Saturday 6 February 2010

February going on march....

Well met!

In my real world I had to put in order a lot of paper-things. I have not done yet...That's why my time for sewing/crocheting was very short and it will be short for at least a couple of days more.
Anyway, I managed to sew a few small spring-forerunner for the friends of my friend C, that live abroad .She will travel to see them soon, and we think to make them a little surprise...
I brought this little surprise with me here, in  the bloglittlehouse, to show you.
First, a bit of it....

 It's a dancing-heart?

I'm sure that the red-white string made my romanian guests to say: "aaaa, piece of cake!" Why?
Because at the beginning of march we (romanians) will mark the "mărtishor". I can't translate it, even it's sounds erratic...It's a  diminutive of "March" ("martie" in romanian language).Mărţişor is the symbol of spring and it is celebrate on the first of March. You will understand better if you will read more here. It's a decent abstract.
Mărtishor's shapes are very different.The red-white string is unique.   

So, let's leave talking and  begin acting:

Here is a closer look of it:
You guessed right?
What is it?
Don't steal a glance at the next photo!


Ok, now look:

It's obvious isn't it?
 I mean, how can you wear it?
Just like this!

To wear this little mărtishor-bracelet you need help, because you can't tie it in a bow with one hand, isn't it?
Soooo, you need somebody to help you....Somebody  that you like to be around you.....And maybe somebody who likes to be around you......You get it?  
I've created it having in mind to make a delicate love and care spring-talisman from all points of view....

Here are those that I hope will  bring the spirit of spring to the away friends.

 Good trip!
Hopping the snow storm from outside to finish soon, I wish you all
Have a beautiful day!