Friday 30 August 2013

WIP 3 Country Home

I found a name for my no name block : Country Home.
One of the four blocks made to test the quilting design, turned into a cushion, as I promised.
I washed it and now it looks like this:

Have a beautiful weekend!

I am linking to Finish it up Friday

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Inspiration WIP 2

...and this is my (no name yet) block in black and white, quilted.
4 designs:

1- white thread on white fabric, black thread on black fabric; free motion quilting

2 - white thread on white fabric, black thread on black fabric - quilted with the walking foot

3 - walking foot quilted; black thread allover

4 - walking foot quilted; black thread allover

Now let's see how they will turn out as pillow covers or...cushions...? - I didn't understand if there is a difference between the two notions.

Have a beautiful day!


Friday 16 August 2013

Inspiration (WIP)

I like traditional art. I said it before.
I'm trying to find ways to use it in a modern way, or to mix it with other crafting techniques, but with care. I don't want to force something; I would want to match only those aspects that are compatible.

The today post needed this introduction, because I'm in the process of designing some quilt blocks inspired by Romanian traditional sewing.
This is the first one.

Inspired by an old Romanian Blouse created in an once very well known area for the crafting of peasant costumes: Breaza. It is located in the Prahova County placed in the south Romanian region named Muntenia. And it is just where our quilting group has recently met.

From my first attempt it came up a block close to Courthouse Steps, from the Log Cabin family.

Although easy to sew, the block presents the difficulty of keeping the squares and the rectangles the same width. I didn't get yet this and the aligning of the little squares shows it, but that's why this block should be considered a challenging one and may tempt the ambitious, advanced and even experienced quilters to do it.
I recommend  it as a choice for a good looking scrap-quilt.
Here is how it looks only by inverting the two colors:

The next step is selecting one or more quilting patterns that would match with it. I think some all-over ones would do.
Hard job, too!

I see some cushions as quick projects and at list one quilt made with this block.
I need a name too, for it.

So, as is usually said, I'm in the middle of a Work In Progress, right?

Get back to work then
Have a beautiful day, my dears!

Friday 2 August 2013

ia romaneasca si english paper piecing/ Romanian Blouse (La Blouse Roumaine) and English Paper Piecing

La sfarsitul saptamanii trecute, Silvia si Ortansa ne-au gazduit o intalnire de doua zile, acasa la ele, ca sa vedem si sa pipaim quiltul la care am lucrat impreuna, inainte de a fi trimis la Houston si ca sa mai discutam despre viitoare proiecte comune.

V-am mai spus ca fiecare a lucrat cate o portiune din el, asa ca, in afara de Geta, care l-a asamblat, noi celelalte, nu-l stiam decat din poze.
Pentru a-l saluta cum se cuvine pe Domnul Quilt, imbracat in costum English Paper Piecing, noi ne-am gatit cu niste adevarate ii romanesti, aduse cu mare iuteala si cu mult drag de Ortansa si ne-am pozat pentru posteritate.
Pentru ca fiecare a scris deja, despre intalnire sau despre quilt pe blogul ei (aici e Ela), eu m-am gandit sa profit de asta si sa va supun spiritul de observatie la o mica incercare.

Ce aveti de facut:

Vizitati-le blogurile, cititi-le postarile despre subiectul asta, uitati-va bine la poze. Uitati-va si la pozele de mai jos si incercati apoi, sa ghiciti a cui e ia.
Nu va ajut niciun pic!
Ei hai, ca niste indicii, pe ici pe colo, tot am lasat....
Oricum, ultima poza am pus-o doar asa, ca sa va sâcâi!






Ar mai fi trebuit sa adaug o intrebare anume, dar n-o pun. Sa vedem daca e cineva care simte nevoia!

Vreti sa raspundeti si altundeva decât in gând?
Simplu: la comentarii sau pe email.

Vreti si premiu?
Mai vedem, mai socotim, ne mai gandim....
Depinde de voi!

P.S. Nici impricinatele nu vor da indicii. Sunt sigura.

O zi frumoasa sa aveti!

I saw what horrible translation make google for this post. Where did he find here something about "cooking", I really don't know! This post in Google English is a totally mess!
ia romaneasca = Romanian Blouse in English, La Blouse Roumaine in French.