Wednesday 27 February 2013

La vie en....mauve!

I had to make a cushion for a special Lady.
No indications.Of any kind.

Long story, short :
Thinking of her, I have chosen these fabrics. Most of them from Michael Miller collection, bought from a romanian online shop, Fabrix

 Then I have pieced them and quilted in this modern way

And finally, it came like that 

Enjoy whatever you are doing!
Have a beautiful day!

Friday 22 February 2013

Friday Inspiration - a free design

Spring is near and here is a drop of inspiration for your projects.
One of my designs.

Vine Dragobetele, dar se apropie cu pasi mari si Martisorul, 8 Martie...asa ca va ofer un alt desen pentru cadourile pe care le pregatiti.

Spor la treaba!

Sa aveti o zi frumoasa!

Have a beautiful day!

Sunday 17 February 2013

Making my own fabric / Mi-am facut propriul material

Imi trebuiau niste tesaturi mai deosebite, mai sobre, dar oarecum elegante, de preferinta pe negru sau oricum, pe culori inchise.
Aveam niste resturi de tafta incretita, neagra, dar era uni. Ca sa pierd timp cu iesitul la cumparaturi, era exclus. Nu-mi trebuiau decat peticute de circa 8"/8". Asa ca m-am lasat iar "invatata de nevoie" si mi-am facut propriul material.
Sincera sa fiu, n-am planuit nimic, inainte. Am mers tot pe principiul: "facând si vazând - vazând si facând".

Pentru ca trebuia sa iasa grosut, am asezat peste o bucata de panza, o bucata de vatelina, iar deasupra ei, o bucata de tafta.

1. Am facut un desen simplu.

2. Am decupat cele 4 componente, adica petalele si codita, fiecare devenind astfel, un sablon.

3. Am asezat fiecare sablon pe dosul materialului ales pentru floare. In cazul meu, un saten gri-albastrui. Am conturat cu un creion alb, cate 2 bucati din fiecare, pentru ca aveam de facut doua flori.

4.  Am compus cele doua flori pe bucata de tafta, in pozitia definitiva, apoi, incepand cu cele de dedesubt, am aplicat lipici solid (pentru tesaturi) pe fiecare piesa si am asezat-o la locul ei, presand-o, usor cu mana. Taftaua fiind usor alunecoasa si denivelata din cauza incretiturilor, am asezat o mica greutate care sa tina in loc ansamblul nelipit.

5. Am asezat o bucata de tul peste tot.

6. Am pus piciorusul free-motion la masina de cusut si am inceput sa trasez niste cusaturi simple, care sa tina in loc toate stratele de material, sa fixeze bine si florile, dar sa nu se vada, doar sa imbogateasca textura.

7. Am taiat surplusul de pe margini si, gata!

S-a asezat in locul caruia ii era menit!


Sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa!

Have a beautiful week!


Friday 15 February 2013

Changing the colors / Schimband culorile

I had only few fabrics from the natural range beige-brown colors.
Nevertheless I managed to sew two cushions.

Have a beautiful day!

Thursday 14 February 2013

All you need is love...

...well, not quite all, almost all, I would dare to say...
 But John Lennon' s song came in my mind, first, today.
Why today? I'm sure you know: It's Valentine's Day!
For you all, my blog visitors, celebrating it, here is a free design.

You may use it for your personal projects: birthday cards, printing on wrapping paper, scrapbook, applique on fabrics, embroidery....your imagination is the limit.
A simple "thank you"  would make me happy.
And of course, if you will use it in any of your projects, please, do not forget to mention its author (a  link to my blog) .

Tuturor celor care sarbatoriti astazi ziua indragostitilor, pe stil american (zic asta pentru ca urmeaza si cea pe stil romanesc), va ofer acest desen.
Il puteti folosi doar in scop personal, pentru o felicitare sau ca sa infrumusetati o hartie simpla, de impachetat un cadou, pentru un mic tablou textil, realizat in tehnica aplicatiilor sau pentru o broderie, pentru multe alte lucruri.
Un simplu "multumesc" imi este de ajuns. 
Va rog, insa, ca in cazul in care il folositi si va expuneti public lucrarea, sa nu uitati sa mentionati si de unde aveti desenul.Adica de aici -  :)

Sa aveti o zi frumoasa!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Have a beautiful day!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Cold from the outside - warm on the inside / Rece dinafara, cald pe dinauntru

I had to make a quilt. 
When Ela and Geta sent us some links with the pineapple block techniques, I liked very much this one and wanted to try it.
It's a quick and simple method. Not so many calculations.
And what I like most is that the squares corners become a little bit rounded.
But how to use it in my quilt and what colors should I choose?
I made a few designs with different layouts, using initially only black-grey/white-red. When I decided on one of them, I checked again my stash and I found 9 more solids. So, I changed my plan and  I started to cut and sew.

 Another hard decision was the quilting. The batting is soft polyester. Not so fanny for quilting, right?
Because the patchwork design seemed too rigid to me, instead of  straight lines (my first choice), I quilted it with wavy lines, showing up a beautiful cable-like wrinkling.

So, I solved two problems with this one simple quilting solution: aesthetics, on the one hand, and the limitations of the batting, on the other hand.

A quick, simple and I hope, nice lap quilt, looking like an intriguing person: inspiring a little bit cold because of the black from the outside of the on-point squares, but in the same time, warmth, due to the colors from the inside squares...

Have a beautiful week, my dears!