Friday 27 November 2009

Sa incepem! / Let's begin!

Pe la noi (Bucuresti) vremea frumoasa continua, asa ca m-am gandit sa o primesc si in blogcasuta. Am adus cateva flori din gradina mea (care nu e in Bucuresti, din pacate...) ca sa va bucur si pe voi, cei care ma veti vizita la un moment dat.

In our places (Bucuresti/Bucharest) the beautiful weather is continuing. So, I was thinking to let it come into my bloglittlehouse. I brought some flowers from my garden (unfortunately, faraway from Bucharest...) hoping that I will fill the heart of those who will visit me, with joy.
Here there are:

Batranul nuc nu s-a lasat pacalit, dar unul din trandafirii mei urcatori isi prelungeste frumusetea neasteptata in aceste zile calde de noiembrie.
The old walnut tree was wide awake, but one of my climbing roses is prolonging its beauty, unexpected in these warm  November days.  

La fel i se intampla si dragei mele lavande...
My dear lavender do the same thing...

Intre timp am lucrat doua fete de perna pentru a le da in dar prietenei mele D. si fiului ei , T.,(fotbalist in devenire) pentru ca maine este ziua ei de nastere. Sper sa le placa. Modelele  celor doua litere apartin celor de la Le-am modificat putin si le-am folosit ca aplicatii pe care am brodat la masina (Brother PE150e) celelate elemente (pisica, frunzele...).

Meanwhile I made two pillow cases to give them as gift to my friend D. and her sun T.(footballer  in the making), because tomorrow is her birthday. I hope they will like it. I used the patterns of the letters of the I made some changes and I appliqued them and embroidered the other components (the cat, the leaves...) using my little Brother PE150e.
Here there are:
Sper ca viitoarele mele poze sa iasa mai bine!  I hope my future pictures to be better!

Atat pentru astazi.
Va mai astept pe la mine.
Sa aveti o zi frumoasa!

That's all for today.
You are welcome anytime.
Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Pernitele au iesit minunat !! iar invidiat :) ! multumesc pentru linkul catre alfabet, a venit la tzanc ;).
    Keep going !
