Monday 29 September 2014

Think positive?!

I had a full Sunday. My little family was reunited for a happy reason. We slept late night but I dreamed beautiful.  This morning somebody-up-there decided to bring me suddenly down to Earth like this:
1. My laptop broke down.
2. My washing machine broke down.
I stop here my list in order to.... think positive.

So, I have only one illustration today. But a cheery one (I hope!). Like a golden Autumn day.
One block I used already for a small project  I will show you when things will calm down here.

Have a beautiful week, my dears! 

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up! Think positive, it can be much worse :)
    I forgot of course :(, and is supposed that we are friends...
    Have a beautiful week too! The block is so so nice!
