Monday 28 April 2014

The Shy Ada - a tutorial and a newsletter

From time to time, when I'm tired and I can't work, I return to my drawn little girls and boys.
Thinking of a shy little girl to whom I intend to make a gift, I drew Ada.  I appliqued it on a piece of fabric and I placed on its dress a pocket in which it keeps the teaspoon on hand for the little girl.

Then I used this piece of fabric to make the mug rug from above. But I wanted to make quilting appearing different on the two sides:  top and backing. 
As you may see, on the left side of the top I left room for cup or plate so that Ada is not covered by them.
Different quilting designs on the top and backing of the

First I quilted the backing with the batting together, with waving lines parallel with the long sides.

 Different quilting designs on the top and backing of the

Then I added the top with the stitched appliqué...

Different quilting designs on the top and backing of the

 ...and I cross quilted with the same waved lines all the three layers together but only on the empty left half. 

Different quilting designs on the top and backing of the
On  Ada’s half,  I stitched only one row with waves, along the edge of the 3 external sides. In the end, It appears as a discreet scalloped border because the waving is partially covered by the binding. 
 And so, in this simple way, I managed to make my mug rug to have a quilting design on the top:
Different quilting designs on the top and backing of the

 ...and another quilting design on the baking:
Different quilting designs on the top and backing of the

The Shy Ada free design is my gift for all my newsletter subscribers.

I think Ada would look great also on a girl’s pillow. Or maybe on a quilt, why not? If you need a larger design, print it at a larger scale.

Have a beautiful day!
Linking up to Linky Tuesday